While we are no longer developing Digital Mysteries and Thinking Kit, we are leaving our website up for those of you interested in the ideas behind the Apps.


Where does Pebbles live?

where does pebbles live app

Audience: KS2

Subject: Science/English

Topic: Evolution, Inheritance, Animals, Humans, Group discussion, Group interaction

Question: Where does Pebbles live?

Author: Anne de A’Echevarria





This mystery has been designed to support the science and English curriculum. It can also be used to foster the development of generic higher order thinking skills.

Science: 'Where does Pebbles live?' could be used to support ‘Evolution and inheritance’ or ‘Animals, including humans’.

English: The mystery could also be used to support the development of group discussion and interaction.


Science (particularly for 10-11 year olds)

Exploring how animals, such as the Arctic Fox, have adapted to their environment. The mystery could be used as a precursor to further research. The learners will, of course, be keen to work out who Pebbles is exactly, which could lead to an exploration of a range of different adaptations across different habitats and analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of specific adaptations.

Science (particularly for 8-9 year olds)

This resource could also be used to support revising the concept of food chains by identifying the food chain embedded in the mystery, prior to constructing a variety of other chains; identifying producers, predators and prey.


Relevant learning objectives might include:

  • To take turns in speaking
  • To relate their contributions to what has gone on before, building on the ideas of others
  • To take different views into account
  • To extend their ideas in the light of discussion

Thinking skills

Learning objectives relating to the generic thinking skills that the mystery aims to develop might include:

  • To justify ideas with reasons
  • To form a well-structured explanation
  • To speculate and draw inferences from information