While we are no longer developing Digital Mysteries and Thinking Kit, we are leaving our website up for those of you interested in the ideas behind the Apps.

This week we are pleased to be part of both of Animate 2 Educate (@animate2educate)/Martin Bailey's education technology events in Gateshead, England, Talk on the Tyne and the Art of Computing. Once again, Martin has pulled together a fantastic line up of speakers for the full day Art of Computing 2016 conference on Friday (10th June). The whole day looks set to be interesting and jam-packed full of exciting ideas for teachers to take away and try in their own classrooms.

To warm up the ever-expanding number of teachers who travel to the North-East of England for Animate 2 Educate's annual conference, Martin also hosts Talk on the Tyne the night before (Thursday 9th June). This is an informal ‘TeachMeet’ style event in which educators can share an idea of theirs in five minutes or under. The time limit ensures that lots of people can express their ideas in one evening, and Martin doesn’t let you stray even a few seconds over - which always gets some laughs!

There is also a keynote from Nina Jackson @musicmind. Having never seen Nina speak live before, but heard great things, this is something that we are very much looking forward to.

Natalie will be presenting our new tool, Thinking Kit, at Talk on the Tyne and will also be hosting our stand in the exhibitor’s hall of Friday’s event.

Thursday’s free event is officially 'sold out', but visit the conference information page for details on Friday’s event.