While we are no longer developing Digital Mysteries and Thinking Kit, we are leaving our website up for those of you interested in the ideas behind the Apps.

As it has been a year since this paper came out, we wanted to share it with you. The white paper, commissioned by SMART Technologies, discusses 'how interactive tables facilitate effective collaborative learning'.

The white paper, commissioned by SMART Technologies, discusses 'how interactive tables facilitate effective collaborative learning' Click here to read.

Discussing several opinions and papers on this topic, the document draws upon the research papers of our Director Dr. Ahmed Kharrufa. Ahmed was interviewed for the paper and an overview of his and Newcastle University's input can be found on page 6.

In the early days, our software Digital Mysteries was designed to make the most of tabletops' features (including how several can interact, the high engagement levels of multi-touch and the positioning and resizing of information). The paper 'Digital Mysteries: Designing for learning at the Tabletop' covers this in detail.

It now works brilliantly on standard PCs and laptops too, making the most of unique multi-mouse technology. The most similar usage we have seen to tables is on Windows 8 tablets and the iPad version will be out later this year.

It's brilliant to see how schools use interactive tables - one particularly interesting usage is at Pheasey Park Primary School in Birmingham. They have a Collaborative Classroom which among many things makes use of interactive tables. It was opened on 7th March 2014 and having spoken to some of the staff there, it's going from strength to strength.

We're looking forward to working with them in the future.