While we are no longer developing Digital Mysteries and Thinking Kit, we are leaving our website up for those of you interested in the ideas behind the Apps.

Teaching times - Digital Thinking

A popular tool for improving dialogue and higher-level thinking skills for over twenty years, the paper sorting activity ‘Mysteries’ has now been given a digital makeover. "We were really pleased to be featured in Teaching Times this month. The article 'Digital Thinking' details the transition of Mysteries going from paper format to digital.

We've made the international news!

Our press release with Newcastle University 'Lessons to be learned - perfecting the classroom of tomorrow, today' has been a hit locally, nationally and internationally! Please see below for some of our highlights, click the links to see what you think?

Lessons to be learned - Perfecting the classroom of tomorrow, today

Newcastle University released a press release in conjunction with ourselves. "Newcastle University experts have carried out the first-ever study of interactive tables in the classroom as part of a major trial to understand the benefits of technology to teaching and learning. Working with Longbenton Community College, in Newcastle, for six weeks, the team trialled the new tables to see how the technology – tipped as the next big development in schools – works in real-life and could be improved.

We have launched the Authoring Tool!

We are very pleased to announce that we have launched the Authoring Tool for use with Digital Mysteries. This gives teachers the freedom to create their own Digital Mysteries and integrate them into the DM library. They can also edit existing mysteries, giving flexibility between departments, years and ability levels of students.

Best Paper Honorable Mention Award

Our paper in collaboration with Newcastle University 'Tables in the Wild: Lessons Learned from a Large-Scale Multi-Tabletop Deployment' got a Best Paper Honorable Mention Award.

Version 1.0.1 released

We have released an updated version of Digital Mysteries (V1.0.1) which addresses issues identified in the first release.

An interesting article about Digital Mysteries at BETT2013 by Royal Reports

Many Hands Touching Digital Mysteries - an interesting article about Digital Mysteries by Royal Reports. Read more to view the link.

A word from Promethean, Mark Robinson

It was fantastic to be able to support Reflective Thinking at the BETT show recently. It was not just a chance opportunity though, but in fact the culmination of years of research and parallel thinking about learning and the role of collaboration in it.

We are in the news

Our collaboration with Newcastle University on the classroom of the future is in the press again. Read More

Digital Mysteries is officially released at BETT show

Digital Mysteries has been officially released today at BETT show. If you are visiting BETT, come and see a live demonstration of Digital Mysteries at our stand B221.