While we are no longer developing Digital Mysteries and Thinking Kit, we are leaving our website up for those of you interested in the ideas behind the Apps.

Create your own mystery!

We are very pleased to announce that our new Authoring Tool is ready to download! After speaking with many customers and generally those in education, we took on board the high levels of interest in being able to create new mysteries easily!

Cramlington Learning Village - a career in Software Development

Cramlington Learning Village sixth formers came in to our offices at Newcastle University this week looking for inspiration towards their future career choices. Students from the school visited us as part of an inspirational day out to Newcastle University focused on their futures 23 students from the school visited us on Friday 14th February as part of an inspirational day out to Newcastle University focused on their futures....

Bett 2014

Are you going to Bett 2014 this year? If you’d like to see Digital Mysteries in action then here are the details. Reflective Thinking has been fortunate enough to have had Digital Mysteries selected this year by large companies to be demonstrated on their stands at Bett 2014 (Wednesday 22nd – Saturday 25th January).

Raising Aspiration

Reflective Thinking director Dr. Ahmed Kharrufa spoke at West Denton Primary school this week as part of their Raising Aspirations Programme. Ahmed was delighted to be asked by Mick MingStones, the Head Teacher of West Denton Primary School, in Newcastle upon Tyne, to visit their school to share the background behind his success.

ACM Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces 2013 Conference (ITS)

Director of Reflective Thinking, Dr. Ahmed Kharrufa is all set for ITS 2013 next Tuesday, where he will present a new paper. Fellow contributors Roberto Martinez-Maldonado, Judy Kay and Patrick Olivier, Ahmed will discuss 'Extending tabletop application design to the classroom'.

New school year, new Digital Mysteries

Fresh for the new school year, Digital Mysteries has a new update which transforms how the library is used. The library is now completely customisable to your interests and needs. In the previous version of the program, when a user installed it, they also installed all mysteries currently available.

The Mysteries of Marden High

This week, alongside researchers Anne Preston, and Phil Heslop, we were glad to welcome Year Eight students and teachers from Marden High School, North Shields to Newcastle University’s ilab:Learn. As part of their Activities Week, the group of students and their teachers Miss Anna Reid and Mrs Candida Mellor came to create their own mysteries using our Authoring Tool.

What happened when Cramlington Learning Village visited us?

It was a bright summer’s day when we opened our office doors to 30 students from Cramlington Learning Village. Excited to get started, they flooded in, collected their blue visitor badges and settled in with juice and biscuits. They embarked upon Reflective Thinking’s office as they had chosen programming as their topic in Project Fortnight’, in which their aim was to develop a piece of software to showcase at the Exhibition Day.

St Thomas More teacher reflects on Digital Mysteries

This summer term, Elizabeth Doyle at St. Thomas More, Gateshead, introduced Digital Mysteries to her students. 30 Year Eight pupils have taken part in regular sessions using eight tabletops across one classroom.
The activity was carried out alongside other methods of learning about particular subjects. This segment allowed students to collaborate together and encouraged them to discuss their thoughts and ideas with each other.

Law firm advises on new hi-tech learning platform

NEW hi-tech learning is making its way into the region's schools with help from law firm Ward Hadaway.Intellectual property experts at the UK Top 100 law firm have been advising Newcastle-based Reflective Thinking on its new collaborative learning platform for schools called Digital Mysteries. The software is for Key Stage 2, 3 and 4 students with fresh content regularly produced by experienced teachers in English, Geography and History.